Getting there

I hope everyone had a great Easter break…I know I did. Total relaxation, fishing, sitting on the beach, reading and spending time with my family. I took my laptop but didn’t get it out to write, which i’m glad as it was good to have a real break, a time out from everything. Not that


School holidays are fast approaching and i’ll have the kids home…which means two weeks without writing. I might get in a few hours maybe if they decide to play outside and build a cubby but more often than not they are in every half hour screaming for food and water, or ‘i’m bored’. So its

Aussie Author Month

Aussie Author Month is a great idea as we have a wealth of great Aussie Authors. Now I believe reading should begin from a young age…read Mem Fox’s book on the importance of reading to your darling babies, its great. (and she’s an aussie). So for Aussie Month I thought i’d share with you two

Helene Young

It seems fitting to have Helene Young as my guest blogger today, seeing as its Aussie Author Month. I’m a big fan of Helene’s, after picking up Border Watch…now called Wings of Fear, and devouring it. I love her mix of suspence, the Aussie QLD coastline and the good dose of romance. So i’m excited

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