Sept 1-2
I have been invited to the Newdegate Field Days on the Wed 1st and Thurs 2nd, and so has Fleur McDonald. I was talking to Fleur this morning and she said she can make it for the Wednesday, which will be great. We will have all day to catch up! So if anyone is coming along, drop by and say hi to us. I will have books available too and hopefully so will Fleur.
Looking forward to catching up with lots of people, field days are great for that. I was told that all the sites have been booked out so that is a great sign. They have done a lot of work with Women in Agriculture as the theme. Heaps of great things happening and available, I’m sure I read pampering…I love that word!! Next week all the details come out with The Countryman….and I believe an article on moi. It’s an interview which I did a few weeks back and the photo was taken a few months before that. She took a heap of photos so I’m interested to see which one they picked. It will feature my second book in paper form with yellow sticky notes hanging out of it.
Sept 5
And on Sun 5th I will be in Nyabing at the Golf club at 2pm to have a few drinks and nibbles for a good ol’ chit chat. If you’re in that area, details should be circulating.